I shoot photos and write things.

Let's see...what else? I used to live in Oakland, now in New York. I speak passable Spanish and spend a lot of time lost. My pupils are slightly different sizes and I was once Nate Dogg's pool boy. I have a degree in modern literature; Photography, I learned the honest, old-fashioned way: by wasting hundreds of rolls over the better part of a decade. I still shoot only film.

I'm drawn to badly planned adventures, weirdos, obsessives, and beer and shot combos. In the pursuit of which, I've hitchhiked from coast to coast, ridden freight trains, gotten drunk with Thai biker clubs and, once, came within an inch of uncovering the true history of the Cosmo cocktail. I'm interested in the choices we make—or don't—in politics and on crowded trains and alone in the apartment. I write about booze often.